Coaching Skills Training


At the end of this Coaching Skills for Managers Training Course your participants will be able to:


CoRe Start presents a dynamic one-month programme meticulously crafted to align with our Coach Training Programme. In this intensive month, you will immerse yourself in practical skills that enhance your leadership abilities and unlock your inner potential. As you embark on your coaching journey, engage in interactive peer-to-peer sessions, participate in online classes and receive mentor coaching to support your growth. 


Designed for leaders, consultants, and purpose-driven individuals, CoRe Flex offers a 3 months intensive program training experience aligned with CCC’s comprehensive Coach Training programme. Gain practical skills to elevate leadership abilities, unlock inner potential, and confidently step into your coaching journey. Engage in dynamic sessions, build confidence and pave your unique path forward as a successful coach. Join us at CCC and let’s create impact together.


Our programme maximizes your learning experience with hands-on learning, peer support, actionable takeaways, and expert lead trainers. With a focus on Consciousness Remodeling, we aim to elevate local coaching talent in West Africa. Embark on your coaching journey with us and unleash your potential.